A month in a diverse missionary journey, full of fruit and with a deep Gospel flavour.

In Formosa, the main pastoral work is the accompaniment of communities and individuals through the COFAS spirituality house, although there is also collaboration with parish Caritas and EDIPA (Aboriginal Pastoral). Geographically close to Paraguay (another Guarani-speaking country), the vegetation and the landscape help one to feel close to God.

Joaquina Lozano López, and the General Councillor for Evangelisation, Br. Cilenia Rojas, made the visit, meeting both the MCI presence and the Nazaria Ignacia Extended Family, and visiting the Bishop, Mgr José Vicente Conejero Gallego.

Afterwards, they travelled to the great city of Buenos Aires, with the community that lives in the house founded by Saint Nazaria Ignatia, a house of spirituality that offers spaces for meeting with the Lord, as well as keeping a historical archive of documents and objects that belonged to Saint Nazaria.

The rich encounter with the different identities of the Total Work – Lay Missionaries, Priests Friends of the Charism and the Extended Family – made clear the path of shared mission that has been forged over the years in pursuit of an evangelisation with a diverse face, the face of the Church. They also visited the community of Bahía Blanca, whose central pastoral is education through the Santa María de los Apóstoles school, which offers secondary education in the mixed modality. It promotes various actions and in its educational project (camps, national study trips, cultural fair, coexistence days, vocational orientation, ecological project and solidarity project), as well as promoting sports and artistic activities.