If God means EVERYTHING to you!
If you want to serve others, without asking anything in return.
If you want to grow in capacity of love and friendship, living with other companions.
If you are willing to bravely face the difficulties that come your way.
If you are an entrepreneurial person, of great ideals, you like to study, pray, serve and live with austerity.
Achieve personal development and that of the community at the service of the Kingdom.
I want to live the mission, the community and the prayer.
The pre-novitiate is an initial stage of preparation for the novitiate. Its objective is the mutual knowledge between the Congregation and the pre-novice, through contact with a community where the young girl must acquire a progressive maturity in her Christian experience and reinforce the personal character of her following the Lord in our Institute.
Before going to the novitiate, she will do eight days of Spiritual Exercises and ask for her admission to it in writing. (Constitutions, art. 80 and 81)

I delve into the vocation.
The novitiate, with which religious life in the Institute begins, has as objective that the novices know and discern their vocation within it and that they prove their way of life, conform their minds and hearts with their spirit and can be tested in their intent and suitability. It is a period of spiritual experience, of personal encounter with the Lord and of discovery of the profound meaning of the vows.
In order to be admitted to the novitiate, in addition to the canonical requirements, the candidate must present signs of maturity according to her age; have an experience of God in Jesus Christ, love the Church and the poor, have skills for community life, the ability to interact, and a culture equivalent to high school or the ability to acquire it. She must be at least 18 years old.
An adequate theological approach to formation will lead them to discover from the beginning that their personal project is delivered to God’s plan, integrating faith and justice, which will help the novices to plan their lives in the following stages. (Constitutions, art. 84 to 86)

I live the MCI spirit in mission, community and prayer.
The objective of this stage is the progressive maturation of the faith and religious vocation of those who have personally opted for Christ.
Since our vocation has Evangelization as its end, this period of juniorate requires that all the sisters – respecting the various cultural levels – systematically acquire theological, pastoral, cultural and technical formation while already taking an active part in the pastoral care of the Institute.
The juniors, empowered by the community and accompanied by the teacher, will be formed in the spirit of our vocation. They will integrate action and contemplation as parts of the same process.
They will have to acquire an experiential knowledge of our mission and will be progressively inserted into the work and realities of the Institute, from their consecration to God, taking into account the preferential love for the poor. (Constitutions, art. 105 to 108)

I stamp my personality as MCI.
The third probation is the stage of formation that prepares for perpetual vows. It will last from six months to a year. It must be lived in a group, in dialogue with the sisters and under the direction of a Teacher.
The month of Ignatian Exercises as a strong reencounter with Christ, and the deepening of the charism, should help to achieve an unification of the process lived and to solidify a radical dedication and coherent with the third degree of humility.
The third probation must seal the personality of the Missionary Crusade of the Church. It is the moment in which, having assumed the spirit of the Institute, the sister expresses it through her specific vows. (Constitutions, art. 114 to 117)

Begins with perpetual vows.
Ongoing formation begins with perpetual vows, corresponds to spiritual, doctrinal and practical life and lasts a lifetime. It is the duty of each sister to continue the process of self-formation.
All the sisters, in a responsible manner, will maintain the force of the Institute; They will continue their formation in theology and human sciences, necessary for the achievement of our goal, with great sensitivity to the currents of history, and thus evangelize in fidelity to the Lord. (Constitutions, art. 118 – 119)