Mother General travelled to Bolivia to dialogue with the formandi who participated in the Third Ordinary Probation and to close this stage of formation, prior to perpetual vows.

Prior to the closing, she led a triduum of prayer.

– The first day was dedicated to deepening one’s vocation, whose origin and source is God. It was a day to contemplate and recreate the call to love from our charism.

– The second day was intended to deepen our own consecration, taking Jesus Christ – consecrated to the Father and to his Kingdom – as our model. Consecration cannot be lived if it is not from the heart of Christ, from an affective relationship with Him.

– And from there, to contemplate and allow oneself to be provoked by the Spirit, who invites us to mission. Not as an apostolic action, but as a deeper and more intimate invitation: to be mission. 

– Mary, Queen of Apostles, is the guide and teacher of this journey.

Now there remain the evaluations and personal interviews, in which, no doubt, thanksgiving and desires for change will arise. An intense stage, in our “holy land”, Bolivia, which precedes the perpetual profession, accompanied by the counsellors Delia Báez and Cilenia Rojas.