Caring for those who have cared; returning love to those who have loved. The home for the elderly is a place of mission and of dedication to the sisters who have given their lives for the mission.

The community of the province of Europe-Africa is in Granada. It is a community with an inward mission, caring for the health, but also for the missionary spirituality of the sisters.

During the days of Epiphany we had among us the visit of M. Emiliana Mamani, provincial superior, and Sr. Conchi Pérez, her counsellor. They have been days of special prayer, like the Holy Hour, of fraternal dialogue, searching for the best way to walk together and to encourage hope and to share “the gift of the Three Kings”, making these moments of joy especially celebratory.

As 2024 begins, we want to assure the whole Obra family of our prayer that each day we may love Jesus and our brothers and sisters more and more, living in special unity.

H. Ana Judith López, MCI