Jaén (Spain)

This past weekend from the 24th to the 26th I participated in the PEJ23, which is the Pilgrimage and Youth Meeting at the Virgen de la Cabeza, an activity organised by the Youth Delegation of Jaén. Young people from different towns and places in Jaén took part. Once we arrived at the parish of San Eufrasio de Andújar (where we were hosted that night), we began with a moment of prayer, so that the Lord would be the one to move us during those days. After supper, under an activity proposed by some young people, a cardboard boat was made where we wrote down the intentions we wanted to achieve with the pilgrimage.   On Saturday we woke up very early and began the day with the Eucharist in the Convent Jesús María of the Madres Mínimas de San Francisco de Paula, thus beginning our pilgrimage. It is a joy to enjoy a journey together, each one with their own history, their own desires, but with a common gaze on God and his Mother.

When we arrived at the feet of the Blessed Mother, we could not fail to pray from the heart.

After lunch we had five workshops that spoke to us about the importance of the First Announcement and that there are many groups within the Church that begin with a simple encounter, but which later transforms our lives.

In the evening we had a Vigil of adoration of the King of kings. Where was the common feeling of being loved, heard by him, and that he never ceases to call us.

On Sunday we celebrated Christ the King of the Universe and also the 38th World Youth Day, under the motto “Rejoicing in Hope”. We were accompanied by our bishop Sebastian, who left the papers for his homily prepared and spoke with closeness and from the heart. During the thanksgiving, two young people were present, which touched many, because they felt how God acts in them and makes Himself present. At the end of the Eucharist we could not fail to sing to the Virgin, but not only from the altar, so more than 100 young people were at the feet of the Virgin singing to her again and again, with joy, emotion and hope. Long live the Virgin of the Head!

H. Chanel Rivamontán