To visit the community of Jaén is to be immersed in a mission that revolves around pedagogical innovation for children and young people, through educational projects and educational innovation supported by a teaching staff committed to their teaching work.

Under the motto “Renew your energy”, this year’s pastoral invites us to accompany the person, in all its dimensions. To renew the personal experience that each pupil is having from his or her spiritual dimension. It is a pastoral ministry which wants to “go down to the street” and which starts from the real situation of the students, which listens and tries to respond to their concerns and needs.

The M. General, María Joaquina Lozano, and her counsellor, Br. Josefa Garrido, made the canonical visit, marked by the fraternal encounter with the MCI community and the large community of teachers and administrative and service personnel, always concerned about the MORE in the mission.

A visit in which, in addition to the dialogues held, they were able to share in the youth prayer that takes place in the cathedral and which testifies, on the one hand, to the missionary commitment of the community, and on the other hand, to the thirst for God that humanity has.

Forward, always forward!