Canonical Visit – Community of Havana (Cuba)

From the 6th to the 19th December, M. María Joaquina Lozano, Superior General, accompanied by Sr. Alejandra González, Councillor, visited the community of La Habana (Cuba).

The community is made up of Sisters Victoria Aguilar, Isabel López and Hilaria Nava and the presence is in a neighbourhood on the outskirts of Havana, Capdevila – Boyeros, a meeting house on a farm with lush vegetation. A space that invites to praise and silence, to the contemplation of creation.

In a country whose state tolerates religion, a society that lives in increasing poverty and a young population that emigrates as soon as it has the chance, the church needs pastoral agents to encourage and keep alive the hope of God’s presence. In the dialogues and encounters we had, the spirit of apostolic search and the desire to encourage the hope of the Cuban church emerged in the midst of adversity.

We met people whose tenacious faith was woven with the warmth of their welcome: Inervis Olivar, a Lay Missionary, who carries out her profession and spiritual accompaniment with depth and simplicity; a grassroots community whose trust in God edifies and friends of the community who overflow with generosity and joy. Once again, we are witnesses to the living and overflowing presence of the Incarnate Word.