Formative workshop: MCI juniors

The workshop took place within the framework of the meeting of junior sisters of the International Juniorate and that of Spain and was in charge of Br. Susana María Moreno.

It was developed with the methodology of seeing, judging, acting with the content of knowing how to be, introducing the subject and leaving open questions to deepen and dialogue about it.

– What does it mean to know how to be (see)?

Each of our cultures of origin refers to knowing how to be as a woman. These are elements that mark us through our personal and group experiences. Being aware of these constitutive elements – customs, traditions and values – is the first step in discerning these elements in relation to the values of the Gospel. Jesus, a Jewish peasant of the first century, was a character imbued with a culture that broke away from its own cultural aspects to mark a new axiological horizon: the love of the Father. 

– Knowing how to be religious (judging)

The reading of texts of Saint Nazaria – and other complementary texts – helped us to deepen our understanding of the characteristics of a consecrated woman. These are not foreign elements, but aspects with which we want to identify and live, with which we see ourselves reflected.

– Knowing how to be an ICM (to act)

What characterises our being and knowing how to be an ICM? What traits are essential in our way of proceeding? What behaviours, attitudes and virtues must we cultivate? These are the questions that gave rise to the third stage of the meeting and to which we pointed out a horizon: we want to identify ourselves with Jesus, to live with Mary’s attitudes.

Yoselin Bonafon