Davenport (Iowa, USA)

A month ago, we began a project of pastoral accompaniment to Latino migrants in the diocese of Davenport (Iowa), since 40% of Catholics in the United States are Latino and there is a lack of priests and consecrated persons, among them, very few bilinguals. In this region, macro-meat farms predominate, a source of work for many migrants, the majority of Mexican and Central American origin.

Our mission will be to work to promote justice and human dignity: many migrants live in constant fear of being deported and endure any working condition.

Pastorally, we must accompany and encourage the Hispanic group: many have already settled and provide their families with better conditions and greater opportunities, others are illiterate, simple and hard-working people. The desire to continue practicing their faith, feeding on the Eucharist, training in catechesis and participating in the believing community must be encouraged.

Hispanics attend the American Eucharist with the need to continue practicing English. Our mission will also be to strengthen communion with both cultures. At the diocesan level we are asked to collaborate in the formation of other parish groups.

We start with bare feet and a heart willing to give our best.

H. Mara Mejía Chacón