On the 10th of March of this year we visited the young people who are preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation, in the parish of San Francisco Javier – Okinawa (Santa Cruz – Bolivia), whose parish priest is Juan de la Cruz, who welcomed the team with great openness.

Taking into account that we are all responsible for vocation promotion, the Vocation Promotion Team was made up of lay people from the parish of St. Martin de Porres, Prof. Yolanda (from Col. Maria Goretti), the priest Eduardo Luciano, OMI, and the MCI sisters: Tatiana Muñoz, Andrea Maraz and Gabriela Guibarra.

The purpose of the meeting was to give an orientation on vocation. For this purpose, there were several moments that helped to achieve the objective. Time for prayer, reflective themes, dynamics and group work. Throughout the half-day meeting, the young people, who numbered around 100 participants, were very welcoming and open. It is rightly said that “The harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few” (Mt 9,37).

In every part of the world there is a lot of harvest, but due to lack of orientation they do not know which direction to take. Hence the need, before going out “fishing”, as it is commonly said, to first provide vocational orientation. And what do we understand by vocational guidance? As a team, we agree that it is to help awaken the interest to discover what God dreams for each person and from there to offer them the possibility of a vocational orientation.

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