The story of the arrival of the sisters in Chilapa is full of love, dedication and sacrifice. And this tenor of generous availability to the poorest of the poor continues to this day. M. General, M. María Joaquina Lozano López, who, accompanied by the Secretary General, Br. Alejandra González, made the canonical visit to this community from 26 July to 2 August.
Chilapa de Álvarez (State of Guerrero, Mexico) is a city located in a valley of the Sierra Madre Sur. It is surrounded by original villages and ranches. There, the sisters have collaborated with direct evangelisation and the pastoral care of the Word – apostolically animating the communities, forming the pastoral agents and spiritually accompanying the believers – but they have also served in the field of pre-school and primary education.
Simplicity of manner went hand in hand with depth of faith, and so the testimonies which the Superior General was able to collect during the canonical visitation were confessions of faith and ecclesial experiences: “what we knew by hearsay, we now know from our own experience”, “Sister A. was fundamental in my priestly vocation”, “Sister M. knew how to motivate the community”, “Sister C. gave continuity to the co-operatives in the villages”, “thanks to Sister I. we have washing places and latrines”.
There were no mountains too high or villages too far away to hold back the missionary spirit of the sisters, then or now. Things have not been easy in Chilapa in recent years. The region has gone through times of bloody violence and pressing tension. Like lighted candles, the sisters have remained to continue to encourage the faith and hope of the people.