Enlarged Preparatory Commission

Who hasn’t been spellbound by listening to music? Rhythms that surprise us, harmonies that touch our hearts, melodies that invite us to become part of a story. None of this would be possible if an instrument were missing in an orchestra: violins, tubas, harp, percussion, piano, saxophone… each one has a tempo, but they all play the same score.

Like an orchestra, the Enlarged Preparatory Commission for the XVI General Chapter meets to reflect, share and agree on the steps to make way for the participation of the different identities of the Total Work in the Chapter.

Nazaria dreamed of us as plural and she inherited the charism to a diverse family: consecrated women, priests and lay people. Today the charism is lived by different identities – MCI, MSI, SACNI and FENI – forming a family called by Jesus to announce the Kingdom of God in history.