We present this explanation with the details of the winning logo, an image that you can use by adding the slogan, or, depending on the type of activities you are going to carry out, by placing the phrase or text appropriate to the themes that you are going to address on the occasion of the CENTENNIAL.

We thank you for your participation and encourage you to continue preparing for the celebration of the CENTENNIAL in the strength of the Spirit.  


  • “The symbol is always a bridge that connects the visible with the invisible and transports the one to the other” (Paul Evdokimov)

It is interesting to underline the interconnection of one element with another: an ICM congregation, with a history connected in its raison d’être, thanks to the Cross we are united and open to the mission as a Total Work today.

MCI acronym: Missionary: Identity of the family that has felt called, sent and ready to go out to meet others in order to make known to all the message of God, of God who loves and wants to be known by all. (Cf. Mk 16, 15-20) Crusaders: with a daring and audacious spirit, giving our lives in the service of God, being at the side of the poor, going down to the street evangelising wherever it is necessary (Cf. Const. Art 14) Of the Church: We are a community for the mission, we are characterised by working in unity and communion from the LOVE OF THE CHURCH (Cf. Jn. 17, 21).

Number 100: A road travelled in community, with a MISSIONARY LIFE STORY, one hundred years. First CENTENNIAL of our family.

Cross: A sign that creates a bond of God’s love for humanity and that invites us to continue humanising the world. It represents the identification of all missionary disciples with Christ and his Kingdom, which invites us to conversion, to give our lives, and to live with audacity and courage.


“Proclaiming the Kingdom, going down to the street”

Our identity is missionary, we were born and we exist to evangelise in a concrete way “Proclaiming the Kingdom of God, going down to the street”.

The Kingdom of God is a reality that transforms everyone’s life, it is a gift and a responsibility that we missionaries assume as a GIFT. Jesus “sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick” (Lk. 9,2). The Kingdom of God is GOD’S DREAM for humanity and for the whole of creation. It is a project that implies justice, peace, solidarity, equality, and love that is everything.

Proclaiming: sent to bring good news to humanity, “to make known the message of God, of God who loves him”, because we cannot keep silent about what we have seen and heard from our experience of encounter with Jesus Christ (Acts 4,20); therefore, like Paul, we make his words our own: “Woe to me if I do not proclaim the Gospel!”The Kingdom is God’s plan for humanity, it implies justice, solidarity, mercy, dignity, ecology, it is being close to the poorest, from love for the Church, working for unity, with audacity, risk and courage. (Cf. Const. Art 1).

Going down to the street, going out to meet others, embracing the periphery, going out to radiate the light of the Gospel message to all. For St. Nazaria “it is necessary to go to the person, to go down to his level and to bring him to God”.

We present this explanation with the details of the winning logo, an image that you can use by adding the slogan, or, depending on the type of activities you are going to carry out, by placing the phrase or text appropriate to the themes that you are going to address on the occasion of the CENTENNIAL.

We thank you for your participation and encourage you to continue preparing for the celebration of the CENTENNIAL in the strength of the Spirit.