From August 13 to 22, the superior general, M. María Joaquina Lozano, accompanied by her counselor, Sister Alejandra González, has a canonical visit to this community, located in the valley of the high mountains in the center of the State of Veracruz, crowned by the Citlaltépetl volcano, the mountain of the star.
The community is located in the Model neighborhood, neighbors among neighbors. Currently the community is made up of sisters Carmen Vega (superior), Josefa Oñate, Magdalena Almaraz, Zenaida Rivera, Reina Valladares, Nora Pérez and Esther Ensaldo.
The mission is diverse, within the pastoral of the Word: closeness to families in daily coexistence and the listening center in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Orizaba); work in the Ecclesiastical Base Communities – accompanying people in the rich and diverse journey of their life and their faith, sometimes giving light in dark moments, strengthening life in fragility or celebrating with joy when things are going well -. Another axis of apostolic work is collaboration in the formation of pastoral agents and pre-sacramental catechesis.
Pastoral of the Word that is inserted in the diocesan framework of evangelization.
A note that has distinguished the community is the welcome in the community. Although within the framework of the visit we were able to share with a variety of people who are friends of the community, we have also heard testimonies in which this welcome has been dramatic in the displacement of migrants or in situations of extreme social vulnerability. For this reason and because of the commitment of the charism to the most disadvantaged, social pastoral care is another field in which this community responds.
Within the framework of the visit, we were able to visit Monsignor Eduardo Cervantes Merino, Bishop of the diocese, in the Cathedral of San Miguel Arcángel with whom we were able to share experiences and concerns of our ecclesial journey.
The mission is also “ad intra” of the community: the details and the warmth in the welcome, the care of spiritual and community life, make the apostolic tasks have quality and solidity.