The interior life also needs to be worked on. The Spiritual Exercises are like an internal gymnastic workout that helps us to expose ourselves to God’s action and to accept his call to live the fullness of life that he offers us. The Spiritual Exercises are a personal and life-transforming experience.
They follow a method that adapts to what each individual experiences, with the help of a personal guide: the companion. They help us to allow the Spirit to act in us, to transform us, to free our hearts from the bonds that enslave us and to allow us to seek and realise God’s will for our lives.
They are for people capable of putting at stake what they have, to pursue what they love. People thirsting for deep conversion because they know they need something more and something different, or they are in search and longing for what Jesus Christ promises to his friends. The Exercises are mouldable like clay, they adapt themselves to the person who makes them.
Let us be encouraged to live this spiritual experience and to have the courage to encounter God in our depths and to respond to his dream for us.