Canonical visit to the community of Albacete (Spain).
M. María Joaquina Lozano, accompanied by the General Councillor for Evangelisation, Br. Cilenia Rojas, made the canonical visit to the community of Albacete, made up of Sisters Teresa Clemente and Nancy Vargas.
Pastoral of the Word in the villages, encouraging the life of faith in the small communities: pre-sacramental catechesis for children and young people, encouraging and sharing the Word of God with groups, encouraging prayers and encounters with the Lord.
It is not easy to move from one place to another, week after week, to reconnect with the communities and their own dynamics and to start again. It requires not only a great development of social skills, but also a great capacity for adaptation and teamwork. But above all, a deep love and faith, knowing that God is present in the small things.