Written by misioneras


Diocese of Davenport

On June 29, we had in the Diocese of Davenport, a meeting that responded to a need and that is that after the Covid pandemic, many Christians were detached from the experience and celebration of their faith through the Eucharist, many fell into the habit of watching mass online and others no longer practice anything.
It was a meeting organized by Don Miguel Moreno, responsible for the multicultural pastoral of the diocese and the Missionary Crusader Sisters of the Church. We had a theologian from Peru, Mr. José Luis Rodríguez, and he shared with us his vast experience: human, theological and pastoral since he was part of the drafting team of Aparecida.
There was an approximate response of more than 200 people, particularly pastoral agents and others who wished to participate.
The topics that were addressed were intended to awaken our conscience, in our commitment as evangelizers, from the different ministries that we carry out.
Knowing that the U.S.A. in its roots was Protestant and the Catholic roots that exist are thanks to the Spanish and Italian migration. Now we can say that 40% of Catholicism in the U.S. is Latino.

For this reason we cannot be indifferent to the needs of formation, accompaniment and celebration of this group that day by day becomes more numerous.
We, as missionaries, note that in this country there is much to do in terms of evangelization, because most of the migrants come very young and in their countries they did not have time to know and deepen their faith.
The future Saint Carlo Acutis, accompanied us with his relics in this meeting, reminding us of the importance of the Eucharist in the life of a Christian. So that it may be, for each one of us, “the highway that leads us to heaven”. To arouse in each participant, once again, the desire to let God sanctify us in our daily life. Looking at God in all things, and all things in God.
Mary’s “YES” could not be missing since she was the first tabernacle of God’s presence in history, becoming one of us, from our littleness.
Blessed be God, blessed be his holy name.

H. Mara Mejía



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