
The Eucharist of thanksgiving for St. Nazaria Ignatia took place at the General House. In the opening monition we were told: “Filled with gratitude we come to celebrate the holiness lived by St. Nazaria. We give thanks because her fidelity led her to give her whole being, living the YES with joy, for Christ, the Church and her brothers and sisters. And she did it with her own seal of love in her heart, with apostolic and ecclesial zeal, desiring to bring the good news of God’s love to all people”.
We were very present to all the communities and especially to all the sisters who, in the different presences, renewed their vows, asking that the God of Life may renew us in the YES of our commitment to life, to the proclamation of the Kingdom.
A moment of community, of family in the Charism, as a sign of communion that encourages us to continue walking together and responding to the call of the mission.

Joaquina Lozano (Superiora General)