Anniversary of the Canonisation of St. Nazaria Ignatia

Written by misioneras


14 October 2018

As we remember the Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Nazaria, where on October 14, 2018 we heard ‘Nazaria is now a Saint!’ accompanied by feelings of joy and excitement throughout the Total Work. It is appropriate for us to pause and ask ourselves about the meaning of her life and work in our time. Her life is a constant invitation to look beyond ourselves, to live with purpose, and to serve others with love and courage.
St. Nazaria, as a young woman, heard the call to follow a path radically committed to the most vulnerable, she dedicated her life to those whom society often forgets: the poor, the marginalised, the voiceless women. His dedication was not a temporary work, but a testimony of deep love for humanity, of a living and active faith that was not limited to words, but expressed concrete actions.
Her life was a response to injustice, a cry for the dignity of every human being. Today, her example challenges us to think: what are we doing to build a more just and compassionate world? Where is our response to the pain and inequality we see every day?
To celebrate this anniversary is to live with joy an invitation to action, a call to do more, to love more, to commit ourselves more. It is a reminder that God’s love is expressed in service to others. Happy Anniversary!




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