Crusader Missionaries of the Church

Sister Celia Alonso

For me 50 years of perpetual vows is a grace from God because it helped me to be faithful in my commitment to Him and to the people in the mission. It was something great and beautiful to work for the Kingdom and its justice, with the most needy, especially with the women who had neither voice nor vote in the community and who organised themselves in cooperatives and CEBs, where they woke up and took courage for themselves, becoming aware of their dignity.

Living with them in their community, I discovered God’s love and trust in spite of the economic and social deprivation they have experienced, sharing with them the little they have and living their Christianity. All this strengthened me and I felt the presence of God’s Spirit, which sustained me, for which I thank God who was good to me.

 The anniversary celebration was very beautiful, presided over by Father Jesús Alcázar who, in his homily, retraced my history and gave it meaning.

I was accompanied by my family and the M. Provincial. Provincial. I lived it all with great joy, enjoying a traditional dish in our culture: a delicious mole with rice, while Fr. Jesús liven up the party with his guitar.

Sister Nury Calle

Fifty years is literally the sum of one to fifty. For me, the content of this celebration is uninterrupted thanksgiving for the countless reasons and moments of life, from my parents who put me on the path of serving others, to the people who have taught me, accompanied me, forgiven me, encouraged me.

For the call of the Lord, for the Charism, for the many people I have met on the missionary journey: adult children, the elderly, priests, religious, catechists, teachers, servants, friends.

So many brothers and sisters, poor in so many places and jobs to whom I came offering myself, and who, with their simplicity, humility, generosity and welcome, taught me about true generosity, poverty and love of neighbour, for all those who have enriched me and left in me the desire and the joy of serving as long as I can.

For all the stumbling blocks, the difficult moments, the searches, the losses, the satisfactions, the joys, the certainty that God is faithful forever. Thank you Lord.