Getting closer to the essentials of our faith
From the beginning of the ‘Synod of Synodality’ to its conclusions, ‘synodal dialogue’ has been fundamental. The internal exchange, the dialogue between all the People of God to clarify God’s will for his People. Therefore, the invitation discerned there must not end with the conclusions of the Synod. On the contrary, it must be strengthened.
We have a plural, diverse Church, with different charisms, currents, realities, which sometimes alienate us by not having a communication that tries to bring us closer and unite us, giving a negative image that distances those who are far away even more.
Let us continue practising ‘synodal dialogue’ so that, among all the actors in our Church, we may come closer to the essence of our Faith and towards that which unites us, making the Gospel come alive.
From now on, we must continue to move forward to implement the conclusions of the Synod, conclusions that reflect the feelings of everyone in today’s Church and where we want to go forward as the People of God, pilgrims of hope and missionaries, who want to welcome and accompany those who feel called to be part of our beloved Church.
Carlos García