The XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops approved the Final Document. Pope Francis approved its publication. The document is organised in an introduction, a first part on the “heart of synodality, called by the Holy Spirit to conversion”, a second part entitled “on the boat, together” on “the conversion of relationships”, a third part on “the conversion of processes”, a fourth part on “the conversion of bonds” especially of the Churches, and a fifth part on “forming a people of missionary disciples”. The document closes with a conclusion which, after following the biblical text of the encounter with the Risen Christ by the Sea of Galilee, moves on to the symbolism of “a banquet for all peoples”.
The celebration of the Synod Assembly must be followed by the phase of its implementation, in order to initiate in all the particular Churches the reception of the Synod’s conclusions (n. 7). Study groups have been set up to collect “the cries that resound loudly as calls from the assembly to deepen and broaden the questions”. This work will be taken to the episcopates and to all the particular Churches they represent. Many issues remain open and have been highlighted by the synod leaders: the role of women, migrants, the Eastern Latin Churches and their identity in communion, the witness of the Church in the global world, inter-religious dialogue, lay ministries beyond the emergencies of the contexts, the synodal development of episcopal ministry, the number of lay participants, transparency and co-responsibility… These challenges are also part of the document and of the themes dealt with at the synod.