Pilgrimage to Lourdes (students from Barcelona, Spain)

I am Yoselin Banafeón, MCI, Peruvian and I live in the community of Barcelona. I teach Bioethics in higher education courses. Recently, with some medical students, we organised a trip to the Sanctuary of Lourdes (France) last April. It was a very rewarding experience, as Lourdes is a sanctuary where many volunteers from the health sciences branch care for the sick.

It is an experience that goes beyond the search for a miracle, but of encounters and approach to faith and commitment in a situation of weakness in health. They were able to share experiences with pilgrims from all over the world, with the sick and volunteers; they were able to see the commitment of nurses and doctors caring for the sick. It was a very rich experience for our students, to humanise illness, to care for the patients and to see that illness can be a door to faith. It was a joy to accompany them!!!