We are beginning the year that will lead us to the centenary of our foundation and I would like us to live this time with two words: THANKS AND FORWARD! Although more than two words, I would like them to be two attitudes: a grateful look at our origins and our history, a gratitude to God for Saint Nazaria Ignatia and the first sisters who accompanied her.

And an impulse to continue walking, to go always forward, overcoming fatigue and difficulties; because the Church, in this time of preparation for the universal Jubilee, invites us to walk with hope and, in this synodal time, encourages us to walk together.

  • Let us be THANKFUL because by proclaiming the Gospel, we have participated in its gifts, because by proclaiming the Kingdom we have discovered it within ourselves and we have perceived it in other people and in our world. Let us be THANKFUL because by going down to the street we have found the inheritance that God gave us, like M. Nazaria, because by sharing the life of the poorest, we have been able to serve the poor and humble Jesus.
  • Let us say GO FORWARD, because, in spite of our frailties and weaknesses, we want to continue giving our lives for the Kingdom, we want to continue the mission of the Church to announce to all people that God loves them. Let us say GO FORWARD, because we firmly believe that God is at our side, because we feel that Jesus Christ continues to call us to love and follow Him more, because we trust in the power of the Holy Spirit.