Just and humane immigration policies.

“Migration is a right” as Pope Francis stated in the 109th Day of Migrants and Refugees, but “the right to remain in the place of origin is prior, deeper and more fundamental than the right to emigrate”.

Under this premise, the Bishops of Central America, North America and the Caribbean have signed a manifesto to advocate for “just and humane immigration policies that respect the dignity and fundamental rights of all migrants.”

To do this, “it is essential to promote regional and global cooperation to address the root causes of forced migration and work together to find sustainable solutions so that each person is free to migrate or stay.”

defend dignity

Gathered in El Salvador from August 21 to 25, the prelates analyzed in depth the migratory reality of the region, made up of various migratory corridors whose main destination is the United States.

On this journey there are many dangers to which thousands of people are exposed, who are only looking for “a better life”; however, “it hurts us to see how many people are victims of trafficking, abuse and discrimination on their journey towards a better future and how the borders that should be places of meeting and fraternity are symbols of death and exclusion”.

They point out that as pastors of the Church “we recognize that each person who is forced to leave their home carries with them a unique and painful story: broken dreams, separated families and lives marked by suffering.”

therefore, “we are called to defend the dignity and rights of all human beings, regardless of their origin or migratory status”, because “forced migration is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, driven by a variety of factors such as poverty, violence, lack of economic opportunities, political instability and more recently due to the effects of climate change”.

supportive and welcoming

The prelates join the call of Pope Francis to “build bridges” and recognize that “Integral Human Development is the way to ensure a dignified life for all people, especially the vulnerable.”

Every time they ask “our faith communities to be welcoming and supportive of the migrants who arrive at our doors”, while recalling the words of Jesus: “Because I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was a stranger and you welcomed me into your home”.

They invited to pray for “all migrants and refugees, so that they find comfort in the midst of their difficulties and can build a dignified and full life.”


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